Padholme Road East,
Peterborough PE1 5XH
Telephone: 01733 558774
Email: activityworld1@gmail.com


We have now been selling Roller Racers for more than 25 years and following the the sale of the company that manufactures them in the USA we are clearing our stock and we are offering some very special deals. All the versions are very well made and all will last for years if used sensibly. Just watch the video below or put Roller Racer or Flying Turtle into YouTube to see the fun. We have a small number of the "Amusement Model" (red seat) left which are suitable for high use amusement locations, so instead of the £80.00 plus VAT we are offering these at £65.00 plus VAT. The "Sport Model" (blue seat), which we normally used in schools and holiday clubs, we are offering these at £50.00 plus VAT instead of the £65.00 plus VAT. The "Flying Turtle" (multiple coloured seats) is aimed at the home market and is the cheapest option and these are now £40.00 plus VAT instead of the £55.00 plus VAT. If you want to purchase multiple units then we can offer even better prices so if you are interested you can email us at awpboro@gmail.com or phone 07850 954171.