Padholme Road East,
Peterborough PE1 5XH
Telephone: 01733 558774
Email: activityworld1@gmail.com

Playframe Materials
Activity World is reducing the range of materials it sells for the maintenance or repair of your playframe, so if you are looking for something we no longer stock then please get in touch and we can hopefully point you in the direction of a supplier. We believe we offer competitive prices on the products we do supply so to email us at awpboro@gmail.com or phone on 07850 954171.
We supply Interclamp brackets at very competitive prices. We supply the standard 48mm brackets but can supply different sizes if required. The full range and prices can be seen by clicking on the Interclamp button.
To see the full range of colours and technical information please click on 'Tuffpad info'. They come in 2.4m lengths so please be aware they are quite expensive to ship. Prices exclude delivery and VAT.
PRICES per length
1-9 lengths £10.90
10-24 lengths £10.40
25-49 lengths £9.90
50+ lengths £9.50
For use with the Climaflex pole padding, this PVC pole pad is the standard size to fit the 48mm round steels with the 54-14 Climaflex wrap. Comes in 25m lengths
PRICES per metre (Plus VAT & delivery)
1-50m £3.00
51-100m £2.90
100m+ £2.80
